Friday, April 11, 2008


I'm pretty sure that I'm the only one that ever looks at this stuff anymore!


Janet said...

what stuff?...

SisToPencilMeIn&SimpleMusings said...

I look at your blog a couple of times a week to see if you've posted anything new! Love the spring pics in your previous post, especially the kids in the fountain.

Janet said...

I was being facetious before........I look everyday...

RHoward454 said...

Hey, I was just wondering. Actually, I have a hard time thinking of anything to put up here anymore. I keep hoping I'll just suddenly get smarter so that I can come up with some new and interesting things to post.


  Once a vibrant shade of yellow, Benny the banana lay forgotten in the vast expanse of a Walmart parking lot, lonely and lost. With the bus...