Tuesday, June 20, 2006


For the Photo Friday subject: AUTOMOTIVE

A quick and somewhat cheezy photoshop manipulation combining real life with toy car.

Almost There

I have learned that I am not a natural born roofer. Thank God for my son-in-law Jeff. We've finally gotten my re-roofing project to about 95% completion. The shingles are down and only a little trim work remains, closing in the end, putting up the new soffits and trim, then paint. I've taken three totally full pickup truckloads of debris to the landfill and was able to breathe a sigh of relief to see that my grass survived being buried under the old asphalt shingles for two weeks.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Happy Father's Day

This morning I called my dad to wish him a happy father's day and to tell him how much I wished that I could be there with him. Actually I would like to tell him a lot of things but when we're together we don't actually talk that much. No real reason for it and I am not sure why.
On my birthday this year I received a birthday card from my parents in which my dad had written that he was sorry that we had not spent more time together and that he wished that he had been able to give me more. My dad had nothing to be sorry for as it was I who moved away at 18 and rarely lived closer than 2 1\2 hours away for most of that past 33 years. When I see my parents they almost always mention that they wish they could have given me more. More of what I always think? You see, I KNOW that they are referring to money or possessions. What they don't seem to realize is that they gave me so much more that is infinitely more valuable than any money in the world.
Both my mom and dad gave me their unconditional love, even when I screwed up (and that was lot let me tell you!).

My dad always stressed that education was essential in establishing a good career. My dad always wanted for me to attend med school but I'd have none of it (something that I now regret!). My dad worked in the aircraft business his whole life and when I was a kid he was priveledged to work on the Saturn V rocket. He took me to work one weekend and I got to see the huge first stage. I was so proud and hoped that I could work on something like that when I was grown. I was always amazed at how smart my dad is and was always impressed with his natural mathematical ability. My dad has always been the smartest man that I know!

A few lessons that I've learned from my dad.

1. You have to work for you want in life. We weren't well off when I was a kid but we always had just what we needed, clothes on our backs and food on the table. For one reason or another we went through some hard times when I was a kid but my dad would just take a second job to get us through. He would work two full time jobs and I never heard him complain about it. I now have a work ethic that I believe far exceeds most people that I know and I got that from my dad.

2. Treat everyone with respect. I grew up in the south in racially turbulent times but I always saw my dad treat everyone, regardless of color or ethnic background with dignity or respect.

3. Help people in need. My dad just could not drive by someone broken down on the highway without stopping. My dad would lend money to total strangers, if they needed gas he'd take them to the nearest gas station regardless of how far away it might be and buy them a meal if they were hungry. This without regard to race, ethnic background, or social standing. Later in life my dad also volunteered countless hours working for Carpenters for Christ, a christian organization that helps rebuild disaster damaged homes wherever that need might be.

4. Take time to talk to strangers. My dad has this ability to strike up a conversation with just about anyone. When we were younger my sisters and I used to get embarassed that dad would just start talking to total strangers. We might be in a restaurant, at the beach in Panama City Beach, or waiting in a line at the movies. My dad would strike up a conversation with a total stranger and before you knew it the two had discovered some link, be it a common friend, past acquaintance, or common interest or hobby. From that point on they might talk another hour or so and remain casual acquaintances for years to come.

5. One last lesson the I sincerely hope that I can tell my dad that I learned from him is that no matter how far you stray god will always welcome you back. Always!

I really do hope that my dad gets to read this although the chances of that are a little slim. I'm not sure that he has even looked at the internet or the world wide web.

Dad, just in case you do get to read this you need to know the following:

I had a wonderful childhood.
While I never had "everything I wanted" I always had everything that I needed.
My parents always let me be myself and I like to think they were often proud for me. When I was in a band in high school my dad actually built a stage for us. When I was twelve my dad gave me a Vox guitar just like the one that John Lennon used for a bit. When I was around 15 my dad brought home a "nifty Honda fifty" for me. Gosh, I rode that thing until it practically fell apart! My dad taught me how to be self sufficient, making do with what I have. He passed on just a bit of his natural ability to be a gardner, a carpenter, a mathematician, a mechanic, a good husband, and a good father.

Happy Fathers Day ......to the most important man that I know, my dad.

Thursday, June 08, 2006


For ILLUSTRATION FRIDAY. My grandson Braxton is filling in for me this week while I work on the roof, complain about my back, yell at the wife and kids, and be an old fussbudget . If you've seen any of my pencil work you know that Braxton has done far better with this portrait than I could have done.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


The old (almost ) flat roof over my screened porch has been leaking terribly lately. I've had the roofing replaced once already but the leaks still came back and although you can't see it in the first photo the decking had developed quite a rot problem. My son-in-law Jeff, who is one of the finest people on earth, has been helping me (or should I say I am helping him?) replace the old flat roof with a new hip roof. Jeff's dad Lonnie came over and worked for several hours yesterday and the pace really picked up. Those two can work wonders with hammer and nails. The new roof over the porch will blend in with the house much better and should last decades longer. My hands hurt from hammering and pulling off the old wood and my back and knees hurt from crawling around over the rafters but in the end it will all be worth every little ache.

Friday, June 02, 2006


They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Here's a picture that I did as a sort of tribute to one of my favorite artists named Brian Halsey. This was also a good opportunity to play with the wacom tablet a bit more (still trying to get comfortable with it).

I have several limited edition prints by Halsey that I bought at a few Park West Gallery art auctions several years ago. This type of work always appeals to me probably because of my work for several years as a draftsman doing product sketches, perspectives, and isometrics.

The Perks of Growing Old (Sort Of)

Ah, growing old—a journey so mysterious that even Google Maps can’t help you navigate it. One minute you’re 25 and eating tacos at 3 a.m. wi...