Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Real Ron Howard

Susan brought home this months' AARP magazine which featured Ron Howard (the director) on the cover. I knew right then and there that I had to produce my very own magazine (cover)....just for the fun of it!

Riverbend Festival Fireworks

Fireworks_5, originally uploaded by r_howard454.

This a picture of the fireworks marking the end of the 2009 Riverbend Festival in Chattanooga, Tennessee. This was my first time photographing fireworks and, while I was dissappointed in my shooting location, I was happy that most of my pictures turned out not too bad. We waited perhaps a bit too late to head downtown and there was no getting close by any means. I'd love to know what sort of pyrotechnical wizardry it takes to produce a heart of fireworks in the sky!
You can see more of my fireworks photos on my FlickR page

The Perks of Growing Old (Sort Of)

Ah, growing old—a journey so mysterious that even Google Maps can’t help you navigate it. One minute you’re 25 and eating tacos at 3 a.m. wi...