Saturday, December 18, 2010

Photo Friday: Gather

a little art gathering downtown

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Lone Kayak

A solitary kayak on the Tennessee River just north of the Veterans Bridge in Chattanooga, Tennessee
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One Dead Beaver

Saw this while walking the Tennessee Riverwalk. A beaver skeleton just off the trail at Chattanooga State Technical College.
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Saturday, July 03, 2010

Orange Sherbet?

Orange Sherbet?, originally uploaded by r_howard454.

The lilies that Susan planted a few years ago have finally decided to bloom.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Photo Friday: Heavy

Outside the River Gallery at the Bluff View Art District in Chattanooga, TN.

Sunday, May 02, 2010

A Momentous Occasion

Bestest Buddies

It's friendship, friendship,

Just a perfect blendship

When other friendships have been forgot

Ours will still be hot!

La De Dah De Dah De Dig Dig Dig

Tiffiny and Yvonne.....sometime around 1987 and 2010

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Sunday, April 25, 2010

The new me.....again

For anyone wondering what happened to the blog it's gotten out of shape just like its' owner. For the past 15 months or so I have not run much, not hiked much, not ridden my bike much. Now I'm 25 pounds heaver and can hardly breathe when I exert myself in the slightest. What will I do, you say? Well, today I decided that it's time get things back under control. I took at 10 mile bike ride. Not a hard or fast ride but a nice leisurely ride down the Tennessee Riverwalk. I took my time and tried not to get too winded. I'm sure that my legs will bother me later but it was worth it. It was fun, and it was relaxing. I am going to force myself to make this a habit. I am going to get back in shape. As for other things, perhaps I'll even dust off the old blog and try to post interesting things a little more often. Who knows?

The Perks of Growing Old (Sort Of)

Ah, growing old—a journey so mysterious that even Google Maps can’t help you navigate it. One minute you’re 25 and eating tacos at 3 a.m. wi...