Sunday, January 28, 2007


My pic for the PHOTO FRIDAY subject Brother. From left to right, back to front: My grandson Blake, grandson Braxton, their cousin Austin, & my granddaughter Micah.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Illustration Friday: BUZZ

Some people complain of ringing in their ears. I have a buzzing that is with me all the time. Not some of my finer work but this is my illustration for the ILLUSTRATION FRIDAY subject BUZZ

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Illustration Friday: PHOENIX

My sketch for the Illustration Friday subject Phoenix. While I am sure that most thought of the mythical bird I instantly thought of the 1965 film Flight Of The Phoenix with James Stewart; possibly one of the greatest movies of all time. Certainly one of my top five.

  The Slow Decay of American Politics American politics has devolved into a spectacle where substance is sacrificed for noise, personal gain...