Sunday, January 01, 2006


My Illustration Friday entry:FLAVOR. My big weakness, Hot Tamales! Quite possibly one of the best candies ever made (right behind Mike & Ikes). This was an easy subject to come up with as my wife Susan keeps a large jar full of Hot Tamales on the computer desk as well as a backup bag in the hutch.


valerie walsh said...

this is a very good candy and a fun illo! i also love the song!

The Unknown said...

Yes! I love both those too! And they're vegan!

Todd DeWolf said...

I agree. I love those little spicy treats. Hard to pass them up really! Well done. Cheers!

gudbrandsdottir said...

I am getting curios....what kind of candy is this? I have never seen them before...not in Spain, nor in Iceland or Sweden....
Happy New Year by the way!

DD said...

I have a sudden hunger pang for some candy! Good illustration!

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