Thursday, December 15, 2005

One more photo

I'm not particularly fond of baseball but this sculpture which represents that sport absolutely fascinates me. I am embarassed to say that I do not know the name of the work or the artist as the information placque had been removed (perhaps by vandals). The sculpture is outside the entrance to the Tennessee Aquarium in downtown Chattanooga.

This is a riveting sculpture. The catcher and umpire frozen there for all of time. There's a pitcher and a batter there also but they're not as intriguing as these two characters which just seem to draw me in and hold my attention. I've actually crouched down and moved around this piece slowly studying it from every angle. I know the catcher is just a hunk of bronze but if you look at the eyes you'd swear that there was a presence there, seeing all but unable to move or speak. Fascinating! I have to learn more about this.

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