Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ron Howard Simple Musings: TR, Utopia, Mark M, Martin M, & other vague memories

Click the title above to be transported back to April 2006 when Myself, Mark Martin, Jeff Muzer, Kathy Muzer, and others (?) discuss that fated day in the past when Mark, Martin, and Myself set off in Martin's volkswagen beetle to see Todd Rundgren live ( and learn the origin of the now historic phrase "She's gonna blow!").


Janet said...

Ha! 'funny to read the different view from everyone!
I guess when all of you guys with the feeble brains get together, you finally figure it all out!

Janet said...

'noticed our site counters are on today....but, I think mine worked for a while the other day, and then stopped again...

RHoward454 said...

Actually, I installed a new counter on my page...and set the starting count to approximately what I thought it was when it stopped

Carolyn said...

Hi Ron! thanks for visiting my blog!
here is a tutorial I discovered a little while back that goes over how to customize your blog banner.
You take great photos... they'll be great to use as banners!


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