Sunday, March 12, 2006

Early Spring

This weekend has definitely felt like springtime. We had 79 degree weather here in Chattanooga. I have decided to try and break out of my exercise slump so today I walked about 2 1/2 miles. The weather was perfect for it and all the apple and pear trees are in bloom here. After my walk I did a little yard work and then got out the sketchpad and tried to make myself draw something real. I still need a lot of discipline to make myself sit and sketch and I know that I do not possess a fraction of the patience that my sister Janet seems to have in abundance. Anyway, the picture above is my springtime sketch for today. I couldn't resist throwing in some real blossoms with the hand drawn ones.


Janet said...

Nice drawing! I've been meaning to do that, too.'bought myself one of those pricy moleskine journals and intended to sketch every day, but now I'm afraid to draw in it!(went out yesterday and bought a new cheap one)

SisToPencilMeIn&SimpleMusings said...

That's a good drawing. Although I must say, I don't know which I should commend you for, walking 2 1/2 miles or the sketch. If I had walked that far I would've probably needed a good, long nap afterwards. I must discipline myself and start doing some sort of exercise now that it is warm out....wish I had your motivation.
Love you!

valerie walsh said...

It is really pretty! I think it's great that you are drawing!

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